
I have used lots of blenders. The leaking from the bottom, blobs of food that didn’t end up smooth in my smoothie, finding replacement rubber seals, or making sure that the bottom is attached properly… UGH, the clean up too. Made me stuff it in my cupboard and rarely use it. Kind of like a food processor. More trouble sometime than it is worth.

UNTIL…. The Vita-Mix. My sister Julie laughs at me because I have attended a few home shows in my day and always got sucked in by the fast talking sales guy demonstrating the ultimate spot remover, or nail polisher, or magic iron.

Last summer my girlfriend told me about “THEE” Blender she saw and said I had to go to Costco that very week to see it. When I went to Costco, they had the Vita Mix demonstration. This blender was not a regularly featured or stocked item at Costco. However, I honestly think this was by far the best investment I have ever made there, and they have some pretty good deals at Costco.

As far as Blenders go, this is THEE one. The Vita-Mix 5200 is built to outperform and outlast any other kitchen appliance on the market. Everything is done in just MINUTES with NO ATTACHMENTS! This amazing machine performs over 50 different culinary jobs with easeā€”and can easily replace 10 kitchen appliances. It is really really amazing.

My smoothies have never been as smooth, and the clean up is a cinch. I love it. I use it at least once or more a day, and it is on my counter as it should be. You can check out their website at

It is truly worth the money.

Alkaline Sister Yvonne

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